TEMIMPS funded by National Institutes of Health

The Trancontinental Electron Microscopy Initiative for Membrane Protein Structures (TEMIMPS) is funded by the National Institutes of Health. TEMIMPS is a consortium of electron crystallographers around the USA who came together with the aim of developing methodologies for membrane protein structure determination. The investigators are Drs. David Stokes (PI), Iban Ubarretxena, Pawel Penczek, Andreas Engel, and Tamir Gonen. A number of positions are now available and more information can be found on this site under Employment or at the TEMIMPS website.

Matt Iadanza joins the Gonen laboratory

Matt Iadanza joins the Gonen laboratory as a graduate student and was awarded a Molecular Biophysics Training Grant. Congratulations!

David Dranow graduates

David Dranow graduated. Congratulations David—we will always miss you.

Third floor corridor party

The 3rd floor corridor party was a hit. This event was set to celebrate significant recent achievements by the 3rd floor laboratories: Kennedy, Merz, Morris and Gonen.

Hongjin Zheng graduates

Congratulations to Dr. Hongjin Zheng for obtaining his PhD. Hongjin is the first student to graduate from the Gonen laboratory.

CMB Training Grant

Breanna Vollmar and David Dranow were awarded the CMB Training Grant. Congratulations!

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