A. L. Patterson Award
Tamir Gonen is awarded the 2023 A. L. Patterson Award from the ACA: The Structural Science Society for his pioneering work on the cryo-EM method MicroED. RefleXions published an essay on two decades of MicroED development.
Tamir Gonen is awarded the 2023 A. L. Patterson Award from the ACA: The Structural Science Society for his pioneering work on the cryo-EM method MicroED. RefleXions published an essay on two decades of MicroED development.
Hermina Wieske is awarded travel scholarships from Liljewalchs stipendiestiftelse, G. Bergmarks stiftelse, and Stiftelsen Bengt Lundqvists minne to visit the Gonen laboratory.
Cody Gillman was awarded an NIH T32 fellowship in Muscle Cell Biology, Pathophysiology and Therapeutics at UCLA for his research on using MicroED to analyze membrane proteins in lipids.
The prize is intended to recognize a scientist who displays the traits characterized by Dr. Suzanne Eaton, PhD: excellence in their work, passion for their discipline, and a caring personality for their colleagues.
The application and development of the method continues to be major research focus for Brent Nannenga at ASU, who is the recipient of the 2022 Magret C. Etter Early Career Award.
Sara Weaver wins a Kirschstein individual national research service award from the NIH. The fellowship is awarded to promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators.
Lisa Clark was awarded a UCLA Tumor Immunology Institutional Training Grant (NIH T32).
Xuelang (Maymay) Mu is the only recipient of the 2020 Jennifer S. Buchwald graduate fellowship in physiology. The fellowship was awarded for her outstanding work on studying the function and structure of the drSLC38A9 protein in the mTORC pathway.
We welcome Chi Nguyen as a postdoctoral fellow in our group.
Congratulations to Emma Danelius for being awarded a prestigious Wenner‐Gren Foundation postdoctoral fellowship.